Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga

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Tūkstantmečių sandūroje Tahnros pasaulis artėja prie atpildo. Ilgas ir kruvinas Veridijos įpėdinystės konfliktas paliko Veridijos imperijai randus, o jos žmonėms teko patirti žiaurius sunkumus. Valdant imperatorienei Florinai atrodė, kad užburtas ratas nutrauktas, kol nesąžiningas generolas pagrobė ją iš sostinės, sutelkė savo kariuomenę ir iškėlė sukilimo vėliavą. Jūs, jaunas akademijos absolventas, vadovausite ekspedicijai prieš šias jėgas... konfliktą, kuris sukels įvykių grandinę ir sudrebins pačius pasaulio pamatus.

Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga Įjungimo instrukcijos

Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga Apžvalgos ir vertinimai

Review by CD-Action
2022 m. liepos 29 d.

I fell in love with this highly addictive gem after just a couple ofturns. If you don’t mind that it was created with RPG Maker and lookslike a decades-old relic, if you’re able to turn a blind eye to poorenemy AI and you’re willing to give the story time to really get going,you’ll probably lose track of time. Just like I did when I spent 16hours with Symphony of War just on the first day with it.

Review by The Games Machine
2022 m. liepos 5 d.

Perfection is not stationed in Tahnra yet, but despite this, Symphony of War is still a strong and compelling turn-based strategy thanks to the amazing mix of simplicity and depth of its mechanics.

Review by Movies Games and Tech
2022 m. birželio 28 d.

Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga is a fabulously fun tactical RPG. The squad-based gameplay and management mechanics co-exist incredibly well, and there is a surprising amount of complexity in each of the systems. While the expanded lore has had a lot of thought put into it, the games narrative does feel rather rushed and uninteresting. If you’re a fan of management RPGs, and are looking for something that will scratch the Ogre Battle itch, then this is a game worth checking out.

Review by RPG Fan
2022 m. birželio 27 d.

I was pleasantly surprised with the time I spent playing this SRPG. In many ways, it draws from classic heavyweights of the genre, but it also has more than enough substance to stand on its own. There’s certainly a lot to uncover and do throughout a playthrough, and it also has moderate replay value given the ways player choice alters certain narrative events. Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga is an adventure fans of tactical RPGs might want to keep an eye on.

Review by COGconnected
2022 m. birželio 24 d.

The sound design is supported by an old fashioned art design that gets the job done. Sometimes it looks like a very attractive GBA game and sometimes the portraits are distractingly higher res than the character models. Classic game weirdness! And that’s the thing- Symphony of War doesn’t get perfect marks across the board. But it adds up to more than a sum of its parts. Once you start noticing how elegantly all of Symphony of War’s systems interact, you’ll never be able to go back.

Rodyti daugiau
Žaidimo informacija
Išleidimo data 2022 m. birželio 10 d.
Leidėjas Dancing Dragon Games, Freedom Games
Įvertintas turinys E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Žaidimo režimai Vienas žaidėjas
Žaidėjų perspektyvos Trečiasis asmuo, Paukščio vaizdas / Izometrinis
Žanrai Vaidmenų žaidimai (RPG), Nuotykių, Indie, Taktinis, Strategija
Išvaizdos temos Drama, Karas, Fantazija, Romantika
Platformos PC (Microsoft Windows)